Action Can Be Good: Part 1
Taking on Boredom
Art, How to get better at d..., TheoryBrandon DaytonAkira, Aurora Leigh, Boredom, Elizabeth Bennet Browing, monster, Otomo, Raymond Kinstler, Theory
The Two Devils
Art, TheoryBrandon DaytonAhriman, Anthroposophy, Art and Story, Auryn, Bastian, Fantastica, G'mork, Lucifer, Michael Ende, muses, Steven Pressfield, The Never Ending Story, Theory, work, Xayide
How to Tell a Story
Art, TheoryBrandon DaytonBaraka, Kung Fu Hustle, Late Spring, minimalism, Ozu, Paul Schrader, pie, plot, story, tension, Theory, Transcendental Style
6 tips to get better at drawing
How to get better at d..., TheoryBrandon Daytonanatomy, ArtCast Network, blue-line, Cartoon Animation, clean up, color theory, construction, draw, drawing, ellipse, Ernest Norling, Feng Zhu, figure drawing, Frank Cho, Gnomon Workshops, inking, Jake Parker, Paul Davies, Perspective, Perspective Made Easy, practice, Preston Blair, process, rendering, Scott Robertson, sketchbook, sketching, sketching tips, Theory, tips
How To Be More Creative
Art, How to get better at d..., TheoryBrandon DaytonAbbas Kiarostami, Akira, Boredom, Bruce Beresford, creativity, curiosity, earthships, Judgement, lightcraft, Orson Scott Card, Ozu, play, RadioLab, Rite of Spring, Stuart Brown, targdigrades, Tender Mercies, Theory, Tokyo Story, water bears
The Root of Storytelling
Art, TheoryBrandon Dayton3rd-person-limited-omniscient-narrator, attitude, Borat, Character and Viewpoint, choices, empathy, George R-R- Martin, Improv Everywhere, Michael Bay, Orson Scott Card, Picasso, point-of-view, Rashomon, S, Song of Ice and Fire, Subway Yearbook, Theory, Writer's Bootcamp
What is Motivation?
Art, TheoryBrandon Daytonbuddhism, choreography, drawing, fun, git 'r done, habit, Ira Glass, Jerzy Drozd, John Norcross, Kohl Glass, motivation, Neil Fiore, play, pottery, procrastination, productivity, resolutions, ritual, Science Friday, Stuart Brown, the Now Habit, the one seat, Theory, Twylya Tharp, writing
Beware the Tortured Artist
Art, How to get better at d..., TheoryBrandon Daytonartists, Cory Doctorow, creativity, Daniel Johnston, Dr- Phil, inspiration, Michael Chabon, motivation, muses, Regarding Design, Stephen King, Steven Pressfield, Team Fortress, Theory, Theory Thursday, Twyla Tharp, Van Gogh
The Jackie Chan Formula